
Sunday, 28 July 2013

Sunday 28th July Dungeness Wood Sandpipers

A visit to Dungeness with Fred started off at the power station looking for the Black Redstart, but with quite strong winds there was nothing showing other than an oriental pissing up the side of the new hide. A look at the patch found loads of B.H. Gulls, a few common and Sandwich Terns. A walk around the Observatory and the Old Lighthouse found nothing so we went to the ARC pit. Loads of Lapwing, 2 Little Ringed Plover, 4 Wood Sandpipers, and a Black-necked Grebe in summer plumage.

Wood Sandpiper amoung Lapwing

Sunday, 21 July 2013

Roseate's Tern at last Sunday 21st July

Work being manic as usual at this time of the year, so much so I have had to stop my Tuesday evening Beach Watch at Rye.

On Sunday at last I was able to take a trip over to Rye to look for the Roseates Tern but being early morning the light was so bad that I was unable to view the Terns accurately.

So late afternoon I took another look in the 27 deg. heat and within 5 minutes from the Denny Hide I found 1 and then another Roseates. I was trying to take a pic at long range of the pair but I only ever got a pic of 1,  but sure there was 2 of them. ( 2 Reported and photographed at Dunge the next day)

A good tick for this year but still well behind compared to last.