A twitch to the border of Wilts and Gloucester on Monday gave another year tick of
Ring - necked Parakeet flying over the M25 in Surrey
Along the M4 at least 7 Red Kites plus a couple more at Marshfield our destination
A short look around and Bob found the Red-tailed Blueflank
A stunning bird also seen Raven and Grey Wagtail
Raven |
From here we went to the Cotswolds Water Park to see the breeding colony of
Red-crested Pochard 17 were counted
Our final stop was Netherton Bottom near Andover a quiet corner of Hampshire where all the usual woodland birds were seen plus Red-legged Partridge but best of all a calling then singing Willow Tit
Netherton Bottom |
Thanks Paul for the guiding, and Bob for the company.