27th August I went off to the Arc pit to see the Red-necked Phalarope a new bird for me although distant was ok through the scope
Hearing a Wryneck was at Galloways I sped over there to be told disappeared 10 mins ago. After waiting an hour I left.
On 28th hearing a Melodious warbler was at Dengemarsh I spent an hour looking for it and got a glimpse.
On 29th a Wryneck was now with the Melodious and after spending a couple of hours I got great views of the Melodious
Melodious Warbler
Melodious Warbler |
Melodious Warbler |
31st August reports of a Wryneck at Galloways again sent me over there 3rd time lucky one popped up after 10mins of arriving although distant.
Wryneck |
Wryneck with a Dunnock
2nd September went for the day to Dunge with Bob all the usual things a couple Artic Skuas plus 4 Spotted Flycatchers in the ARC car park and another 2 in the pines.
Spotted Flycatcher |
Spotted Flycatcher |
Spotted Fycatcher |