A 5.30 start meeting Paul at Sundridge by 6.30 we arrived at Burnham Norton at 9.00am.
A10 minute walk towards the sea was where we met 50 or more birders looking at the
Steppe Grey Shrike
Steppe Grey Shrike |
Walking back to the car had great views of Bearded Tits
Male Beardie |
Female |
Female Bearded Tit |
A walk around Titchwell and a look out to sea 1 Red and 2 Black-throated Divers, 2 Slavonion Grebes, On the reserve 4 Avocet, 2 Little Stints, Spotted Redshank, at least a dozen Ruff. Couldn't find the Yellow Browed Warbler reported. 2.15 pm we headed for home.