
Thursday, 30 April 2015

Birding Extramadura March 27th - 1st April 2015

Highlights from our 5 days of Birding in Extramadura mainly around Saucedilla, Trujillo and Monfrague national park.
Wetlands around Saucedilla

Storks nesting in Trujillo

Monfrague Vultures

Monfrague National Park

Tourists !!

Booted Eagle

A few Cattle Egrets

Great Bustards

Great Bustard


Spanish Imperial Eagle (on nest)

Azure Winged Magpie

Black Vulture

Blue Rockthrush

Crag Martin

Egyption Vulture

Crested Lark

Great Bustard

Griffon Vulture

Griffon Vulture


Lesser kestrel

Purple Swamphen

Rock Bunting

Scarce Swallowtail


Steppe Grey Shrike

Black Kite

Corn Bunting

Sub-alpine Warbler

Sub-alpine Warbler

Thekla Lark

Woodchat Shrike

White Stork

White Stork
Black-winged Kite