
Monday, 29 June 2015

Hudsonion Whimbrel 28th June

My plan was to twitch the Hudsonion Whimbrel at Pagham and the Yellow legs at Titchfield, but the Yellow Legs went awol  the day before and didn't show again for 72 hours.

At Pagham harbour the Hudsonion Whimbrel was with 5 Eurasion Whimbrel and so the slight difference could be seen, however it was a long way out in the harbour so only scope views were had and I came away with a heavily cropped record shot.

Hudsonion Whimbrel
 On the ferry pool was a stunning summer plumaged Spotted Redshank but too far away to photograph. Arriving back home I was surprised to find this Green Woodpecker on our lawn, although often heard I think this is the first to come into the garden.
Green Woodpecker

Sunday, 7 June 2015

Marquenterre 6th June

A day trip to the Somme Bay with Bob and Christine, proved hard work to find the birds in the strong breeze, however once at Marquenterre we had good views of Stilts, Spoonbills and Herons including youngsters on their nests.

Black-winged Stilt



White Stork

Storks not fledged