From the hide on the distant island every inch was taken with either Great Black Backed Gulls or Cormorants with Shovelers in the margins. On the nearer islands were Teal, Wigeon and Lapwing. A few Pintail were under the water tower and a couple of Golden Eye were riding the waves in the centre of the pit. A Gooseander was seen briefly and flew south, A Marsh Harrier sitting in the reeds took off but soon perched back into a willow.
At the Dengemarsh Hide there were Shoveler, Pintail, Gadwall, and Tufted Ducks a couple of Marsh Harriers put in a good appearance as did the Great White Egret. On the way out I stopped at Burrows Pit along with several others but the Glossy Ibis weren't showing.
This afternoon with the winds dropping I took Frank to Dog's Hill
a quick walk along the beach round to Harbour Farm Barns and back produced about 30 Curlews, 1 Stonechat and a Barn Owl on the electric pylon near to the barns, but flew when a car with Terry from East Enders stopped and asked the way!
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