Sunday afternoon, the snow showers have stopped and a slight thaw is happening so went off to Castle Water, didn't stop at the view point but went straight to the hide but stopping for the 50 or so Geese coming in to land, then a couple of Stonechats and then a Marsh Harrier putting all the ducks up and then a Green Sandpiper and a Snipe flew out of the ditches a good start so far.
At the hide the usual ducks, Mute Swans, Canada and Greylag Geese,
a Common Snipe was feeding just yards from the hide and several Meadow Pipits were pecking around the grass poking through the Snow. It was good to see the Smew again as I hadn't seen it since 13th December and a female has now joined him. The light was beginning to fade and it was time to test the optics and also the eyes. 4.00pm and time to start making tracks back when eventually a Bittern took flight from the reeds and flew right to left straight in front of the hide. A few minutes more perhaps he will re emerge, no but the Water Rail made a dash across the ice from a bunch of reeds to another and 2 minutes later to the next. Time for home, may be an Owl on the way back - heard but not seen.
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