A quick look on the pit by the barns produced nothing unusual so we headed off along the track besides narrow pit and there the Barn Owl reappeared and perched on a post.
Last stop was at the Ternery pool just to see if the Spotted Redshank was there, it was, right in front of the hide.
Wednesday after a cold day and the ground still frozen in places we set off along the canal hoping to see the White Fronts (on Sunday they were along the canal) but not today - plenty of Greylags and Canada a quick look on Carters Flood was a bit of a shock as it had been drained a good idea providing some wet mud as every where else is flooded but only Gulls could be seen.
Its a shame the reeds in front of the hide aren't cut down we could have a much better view if they were.
Further along the canal it was very quiet, apart from the Lapwing and Curlew on the Levels, a visit to the first hide on the scrape gave Teal and Shelduck with a few Shoveler, a quick walk up the valley in search of the Shrike produced 2 Marsh Harriers and no Shrike but a bonus on the return trip was good views of another Barn Owl.
Thursday a day out with Paul James to Buton Mill Pond, the weather has changed and turned mild and wet, on arriving at the Mill Pond visibility was poor as mist was coming off the water a quick look for a Bittern failed and so we set off around the trail first up was a static Treecreeper, we walked on listening to drumming Great Spotted Woodpeckers hoping for a Lesser but also hunting out a Firecrest - both proved to be absent but we were rewarded with this fantastic view of a Tawney Owl
Further along the trail we stopped to shelter from the rain and viewed a flock of Siskins, another larger flock of Chaffinches with Lesser Redpolls, and a Brambling, feeding alongside were several Pied Wagtails and a lone Grey Wagtail. Further along the trail a flock of Longtailed Tits, Blue Tits, Great Tits and another Treecreeper lead us to a my first Gold Crests which gave really good close views but too flighty for any pics.
A shame to waste the rest of the day Paul and I went off to Petworth House to see the Egyption Geese. Slightly blurred but very tame.
On the way home we stopped off at Swanbourne Lake Arundel to view the Mandarins, two drakes put on a good display of courtship while another couple and three females looked on. Lets try Ferring Rife for Jack Snipe says Paul so the last stop was there and after walking through the waterlogged grass by the side of the rife flushing around 10 common Snipe at last a Jack Snipe flew up from under my feet. Despite it was still raining another superb days birding with 5 more new species on my list.
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