
Saturday, 20 March 2010

Crests and Creepers this week

This week the weather has been somewhat Spring like, and after a quiet time locally spring like things are now happening. Sunday's early morning dog walk turned up a Firecrest in the bottom of Warren Glen and a Goldcrest along footpath 3, so surprised that my next opportunity to go there was on Wednesday morning and to my delight found another or maybe the same Firecrest. plus a total of 5 Jays around the area.
The afternoon walk from Dogs Hill was good a couple of Ringed Plover were seen together, alot of Lapwing were displaying and there were 2 pairs of Golden Eye on the Barn Pools
A revisit to Warren Glen on Thursday produced only a pair of Green Woodpeckers, so Franks walk in the sfternoon was to Rye Harbour, but no sign of the Wheatears that have been reported all along the coast but on the Ternery Pool  there were hundreds of Black Headed Gulls and I counted at least 2 dozen Mediteranean Gulls.

On Friday the weather turned wet all day although not heavy rain it was misty and drizzle, Franks walk turned up an unexpected Treecreeper just off Barley Lane near the head of Fairlight Glen.

Saturday morning although heavy mist was surrounding the headland down in Warren Glen I caught sight of 2 more crests but unsure as to what they were and then on the way back home in the wood by Fyrs Way a Firecrest was flitting around. The afternoon saw us over at Guestling Woods finding lots of Tits hearing all sorts of different calls and seeing a Treecreeper plus sperb views of a Greater Spotted Woodpecker.

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