
Saturday, 24 April 2010

A Good Fall of Migrants in Hastings Country Park

This morning's dog walk in warm brilliant sunshine was to be exceptional, setting off through what we call Fyr's wood to the sound of Chaffinches and Chiff Chaffs and coming out into the open to the sights and sounds of the Common Whitethroat we headed off to the top of Warren Glen through the Quarry passing more Chiff Chaffs plus the usuall Tits and Finches. Passing the Highland Cattle went down the upper western path of the glen. On hearing a really close Greater Spotted Woodpecker drumming I looked up to find it and straight infront of me a Treecreeper landed and slowly crept up the tree, as I followed it up still hearing the Woodpecker I noticed a Blackbird in the top of the next tree, a little bit more focus and it was my second Ring Ouzel in seven days. I never did find the woodpecker but another sign of Spring was the 2 Adders rustling through the undergrowth a bit further down the path.

We headed for the plateau between Warren and Fairlight Glens in case of Dartford but no luck but were rewarded with a Peregrine perched on the dead tree. What a good dog walk I thought as we headed back for home only to find a Lesser Whitethroat and a Wheatear on the gorse back on the Firehills

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