Started off with a quick look at Pett Pools Pete Rouse, Cliff Dean, and the usual birds - a couple of Marsh Harriers, loads of Canada and Greylag Geese and still no Whitefronts. A Woodcock came in off the sea landed in the reeds for a couple of minutes then headed off inland.
Over to Walland Marsh to look for the reported Waxwings and as usual no sign. At Midley a flock of 30 Tree Sparrows was nice.
Tree Sparrows |
House Sparrow |
Also several House Sparrows and Chaffinches,. while watching three other birders stopped to see what I was looking at, all hoping for Waxwings.
Further down the road 38 Bewicks were amoung the Mute Swans
From here onto Dungeness, from the causeway a Great White Egret was on New Diggings also the juvenile Blak-throated Diver which gave me another year tick.
Black-throated Diver |
At the fishing boats the 3rd winter Glaucous Gull was easily found this time, now looking even paler hope he stays till next winter.
Glaucous Gull 3rd winter
On the sea loads of Guillemots and at least one Razorbill, Great Crested Grebes, two distant Red-throated Divers
Red-throated Diver |
Back along Walland Marsh still hundreds of winter Thrushes, mainly Fieldfares and still no Waxwings
Fieldfare |
A decision to go to Eastbourne to look for the Waxwings there was aborted in the afternoon due to heavy traffic, so settled with a dog walk along the prom at Bexhill, only birds of interest were the Pied Wagtails against the sun set
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