
Monday, 26 August 2013

Sunday 25th August SWW Pagham Harbour

After seeing 20 plus Yellow Wagtails in the cattle fields opposite the visitor centre, we moved to the ferry where the highlights were a Juvenile and Adult Med Gull. From here we went to Church Norton and picked up Curlew, Wimbrel, Ringed Plover, Dunlin and 2 Peregrins on their island. A walk round to the severals found a distant Spotted flycatcher and a Winchat in the horse field. Back at the Churchyard another Spotted Fly but distant.

Spotted Flycatcher
A walk via Halseys Farm to the North Wall found little other than a Nuthatch (very rare to Selsey Peninsular). Stopping for lunch on the Breech Pool 60 Black-tailed godwits and a Spotted Redshank.
Spotted Redshank

Black-tailed godwits with Spotted Redshank
Out in the harbour 3 Yellow-legged Gulls another Spotted Redshank, Redshank, Dunlin, and Ringed Plover. Getting a text of a Wryneck at Church Norton sent us scurrying back to have a look. The same bush where we saw the Winchat I got a brief glimpse of the Wryneck, 20 minutes later it showed well on the fence that's number 276 in the bag.



Sunday, 18 August 2013

SWW at Dungeness Saturday 17th August

Starting at the point on Dungeness we started with a sea watch in front of the power station and the first bird of note was an Artic Skua, loads of gulls were on the patch with a few comic terns and several Gannets feeding a bit further out. No sign of the Black Redstarts so we headed for the fishing boats for another look at the sea. It wasn't long before Paul spotted 3 Black Terns

Black Tern
The Little Gull flew past so close posing for photos but I had knocked the manual focus button so missed out on a pic.

On the reserve a couple Wood Sandpipers and a couple of eclipse Garganey showing fairly close but in bad light.

Garganey (eclipse)

Wood Sandpiper

Wood Sandpiper
Couldn't resist this Egret
Little Egret
Hundreds of Sand Martins were over all the pits
Sand Martin
Very few Marsh Harriers today but this one put on a good show
Marsh Harrier.
Also seen on the reserve 2 Egyption Geese, a Black-necked Grebe and a Ruff. Over on the ARC pit 2 Dunlin, several Common Sandpipers another Ruff, 3 Snipe, 2 Greenshanks, several Ringed Plovers, and a couple of Little Ringed Plovers. As always a good day birding at Dungeness.


And even more Butterflies

Saturday at Dungeness we came across this Common Blue
Common Blue

Sunday we went to Brede Woods where it was a lot quieter than a fortnight ago with regards to butterflies. However we were rewarded with this Silver Washed Fritillary
Silver Washed Fritillary
A brief view of a Small Skipper
Small Skipper
Also numerous Speckled Woods
Speckled Wood (worn)

Saturday, 10 August 2013

And more Butterflies Saturday 10th August

Late afternoon I took Frank for his walk back to Windover Hill in search of the Graylings. Walking up the hill loads of Chalk Hill Blues but not in the number of last week.
Chalk hill Blue
Also found a Small Copper
Small Copper
On the same flowers last week were several Painted Ladies but this week full of Small Tortoiseshell
Small Tortoiseshell
Also found this one, where the Graylings are supposed to be,  which I think is a Wall
Wall (possible)
This one back on the path near the car park is a definite Wall.

Back home this comma was on the Budliea.

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Sunday 5th August - More Butterflies

Having had a first yesterday with the White Admiral I wanted more so interupted Paul J in the pub for suggestions as to where to go and was recomended Windover Hill.

Starting at Wilmington, walking over Windover Hill to Jevington and back via Friston Forest we picked up a good selection, not bad for a second attempt by a novice. I thought Butterflies would be easy to photograph but they don't stay still, you have to get up close, also they can fly quite fast!

Small Skipper

Small Skipper

Chalkhill Blues

Chalkhill Blue



Marbled White

Marbled White

Painted Lady
Species found where Chalkhill Blues by the hundreds, 1 Comma, 2 Marbled Whites, several Painted Ladies, loads of Gate Keepers and Meadow Browns, 1 Red Admiral, 1 Fritillary poss. Silver Washed,  Peacocks, 2 Small Skippers, Large and Small Whites, Brimstone. 

Saturday, 3 August 2013

Saturday 3rd August Brede Woods - Getting into Butterflies

 With this lovely fine weather and several butterflies around the garden, I thought I would try Brede Woods for the late afternoon dog walk as I had never seen a White Admiral, apart from loads of Gate Keepers I also found.

Clouded Yellow

Small White

  Lots of Large Whites, lots of Meadow Browns

Meadow Brown


And eventually my target the White Admiral a bit worn with a hole in its wing.
White Admiral
White Admiral

White Admiral

(Most odd never having seen one before, 3 days later one turns up in the garden)