Starting at the point on Dungeness we started with a sea watch in front of the power station and the first bird of note was an Artic Skua, loads of gulls were on the patch with a few comic terns and several Gannets feeding a bit further out. No sign of the Black Redstarts so we headed for the fishing boats for another look at the sea. It wasn't long before Paul spotted 3 Black Terns
Black Tern |
The Little Gull flew past so close posing for photos but I had knocked the manual focus button so missed out on a pic.
On the reserve a couple Wood Sandpipers and a couple of eclipse Garganey showing fairly close but in bad light.
Garganey (eclipse) |
Wood Sandpiper |
Wood Sandpiper |
Couldn't resist this Egret
Little Egret |
Hundreds of Sand Martins were over all the pits
Sand Martin |
Very few Marsh Harriers today but this one put on a good show
Marsh Harrier.
Also seen on the reserve 2 Egyption Geese, a Black-necked Grebe and a Ruff. Over on the ARC pit 2 Dunlin, several Common Sandpipers another Ruff, 3 Snipe, 2 Greenshanks, several Ringed Plovers, and a couple of Little Ringed Plovers. As always a good day birding at Dungeness.
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