Setting off from Namur we had neither lost or gained in the Casino of Hotel Beauregarde. A good breakfast we set off as dawn broke only to hit heavy traffic around Brussels. Our first stop today was at Wondelgem -The Long Fields just north of Ghent. With plenty of Bullrushes (reedmace) it was a hard task to track the Pendulines down but with the help of a local we found two.
The Long Fields Wondelgem |
Our next stop was at Uitkerke aature reserve overlooking the marshland where thousands of geese were grazing, the majority were Whitefronts but also found Barnacles and a single Pink foot. A bonus was male and ringtail Hen Harrier plus Beardies calling in the reeds. Also a large number of Kestrels.
White-fronted Geese |
Our final stop before the Tunnel was at Oye Plage near Calais. Heading out of the dunes onto the beach we found a flock of 8 Shorelarks (I have only ever seen singles) A great end to a fabulous couple of days
Shorelark in bad light |
Thanks to great company from Paul Bob and Sandra
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