
Monday, 19 January 2015

Dungeness Sunday 18th January 2015

We met up at the Hanson hide at 8.30 in damp and drizzly conditions, which continued for most of the day. Sandra spotting our first Bittern of the year followed by another and then another. The Ruddy Duck was still there but for how long? Walking round to the screen hide to get better views of Bittern we were rewarded with a fly over. One of several Great White Egrets were fairly close so I tried to get something with the new small camera

Later on there was one a lot closer

Great White Egret
 Over on the reserve a drake Smew was distant as were the 8 redheads
Drake Smew

With the weather not really improving we went to the Cattle Egrets at Lydd then onto Walland Marsh finding the herd of Bewick Swans, Paul managing to pick out the Whooper Swan and had great views of a male Hen Harrier. A quick visit the sea found Kittiwake, Gannet, Razorbill and Guillemot. Next stop was Scotney finding the male Scaup and 2 Black-necked Grebes. On to Winchelsea Beach where the Lesser Yellowlegs was showing close to the Environment agency road at the western end of the reserve.

Lesser Yellowlegs

On the tideline were Sanderling, Dunlin, Greyplover, masses of Gulls, Curlews and Oystercatchers.
On the shingle ridge a lone Golden Plover.
Golden Plover

Having had a good day Bob and I still decided to call in at the watchpoint to look for the Barn Owl, it wasn't long before it showed. Also picked up 3 Marsh Harriers, another Great White Egret and a Kingfisher. An exceptional day with some good rarities between the group 75 species.

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